Gunnesch, Stefan: Alchemie du Verbe – Voyelles
In both texts Rimbaud makes reference to synesthesia and assigns color attributes to the vowels. In the Leporello, “Voyelles”, the original French text, is overturned in large typography by 90 degrees and partially overlaid with colored fragments; in small typography the sections of the second text "Alchemy du Verbe" float above the overturned lines. On the other side of the fanfold there is an abstract, almost musical-like original collage.
Das Sonnet „Voyelles“ („Vokale“) ist dem Kapitel „Alchimie du Verbe“ („Alchimie des Worts“) aus „Une Saison en Enfer“* („Eine Zeit in der Hölle“) typografisch gegenübergestellt. , fr., ger., eng., gicléeprint, collage, cut-outs, double concertina, 22p, 11,2 x 15,7 inch, Ed. of 6, num., sign., Leipzig, 2020, Edition Bildschriftlich
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